Deze website gaat over het leukste hondenras ter wereld: de västgötaspets
en dan natuurlijk vooral over mijn eigen honden.
This website is about the best dog breed ever: the Swedish Vallhund
and, of course in particular, about my own dogs.
Aan de Hond van het Jaarshow mogen alleen honden meedoen die clubwinnaar zijn geworden of 1e, 2e of 3e geplaatst zijn in de erering. Niike heeft in totaal zes keer meegedaan in de groep, waarvan drie keer ook bij de veteranen, en Onni en Bucky allebei drie keer.
Voor de resultaten aldaar: zie showresultaten
Only Specialty winners and dogs that were placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in main rings are invited for the Dog of the Year Show. Niike was invited six times, of which three
times also in veterans and Onni and Bucky were both invited three times.
Their results at these shows can be found on their show pages.
Deze foto stond in de Ierse lokale krant The Newtownards Chronicle, bij een interview met keurmeester Karen Gilliland. Hij is gemaakt door Debbie Howe op vrijdag 8 maart 2019, toen Niike (Sharinjah Simasuu, rechts op de foto) Beste Teef was geworden op Crufts, de beroemde hondenshow in Birmingham!
This photo accomponied an interview with judge Karen Gilliland in the Irish local newspaper The Newtownards Chronicle. It was taken by Debbie Howe on friday March
2019, when Niike (Sharinjah Simasuu, on the right) was Best Opposite Sex at Crufts, the famous dogshow in Birmingham!
Niike en Onni doen regelmatig samen mee in de koppelklasse op hondenshows. Ze zijn hierbij al vaak in de prijzen gevallen. Het bovenstaande filmpje is gemaakt tijdens de Martinidogshow / Benelux Winnershow in Groningen in maart 2019.
Niike and Onni often participate in brace class at dogshows together and they have won quite some prizes as a couple. The above video was taken at the Martinidogshow/Belenux Winnershow at Groningen in March 2019.
Lots of thanks to Oili Helenius for letting me use her great photo's unlimitedly!
As many texts as possible have been translated to English. If not immediately visible, you'll find the translation by clicking the little British flag. It was impossible to translate the entire menu without making it look very ugly, so you'll have to navigate in Dutch a bit ;-)